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ISO 27001Certification in Jordan

About ISO 27001 Certification

ISO Abbreviated as (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies Formed by More than 160 Countries with one standards body representing each member country.

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) for example, represents India.

Member organizations of ISO collaborate themselves in the development and promotion of international standards for technology, scientific testing processes, working conditions, societal issues, Technical Standards, and more.

A General Assembly of ISO which consists of representatives from ISO members from Countries and elected leaders called principal officers, acts as the decision-making body for ISO. The organization has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, where a central secretariat oversees operations.

About ISO 27001 Standard

ISO 27001 ensures the continual improvement of the Information Security Management System (ISMS). This international standard provides requirements to monitor and control security risks and threats. It includes effective measures to protect confidential data as well as secure information effectively within the context of the organization. Moreover, the ISO 27001 standard provides a systematic framework for managing the unauthorized, third party access.

ISO 27001:2013 is a globally recognized information security management system standard that is designed with a PDCA cycle approach to ensure the organization follows the industry’s best practices to manage and control the information security risks.

ISO 27001 Certification

The ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates an organization’s involvement in securing confidential data and information assets. It ensures the confidence of the employees as well as the clients to share secure information. This globally recognized certification promotes your business globally and helps to achieve new business opportunities. When you are certified in ISO 27001: 2013 system you are demonstrating that your Information Security Management System meets the standards of the ISO model of implementation, maintenance and continual improvements.

Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

Acquiring ISO 27001 Certification offers the following benefits to the organization.

  • Helps secure the confidential data and information
  • Helps reduce the unauthorized access and information security risks
  • Ensures continual improvement of the security management system
  • Whether it is computer security, physical security, broader cyber security, other privacy or just getting towards best practices, ISO 27001 is the recognized standard that others build from. 
  • There has been much scaremongering surrounding the potential fines for GDPR non-compliance, however, an Information Security Management System (ISMS) will help reduce the likelihood of breaches, enable you to react to them more quickly, and demonstrate the controls you have in place, in order to reduce the potential impacts of these security risks. 

IAS – ISO Certification  in Jordan

  • Our services is comprehensive, we undertake ISO 27001 training and ISO 27001 certification along with 45 other standards. 
  • Our team will understand the trend and nature of the local markets and perform globally in an effective and reliable manner to provide the best services in the industry for you.
  • IAS was established in the Year of 2006 and it is managed by professionals having rich experience in auditing, certification and training services.
  • IAS also provides Lead Auditor and Internal Auditor Training on ISO 27001 and also on various ISO standards.
  • The International presence of IAS has vast history of successful executing of large-scale and complex international projects. Our Services are in India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar Philippines, Kuwait, France, Jordan countries, with more than 6000 clients.
  • We have more than 300+ experienced empaneled auditors to effectively assess an organization’s conformance to Systems and unleashing a true potential for continual Improvement.
  • IAS issues internationally Recognized and accredited certification services.

To know about our services please do contact us for free discussion.

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