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ISO 9001

20 Dec 2021

ISO 9001

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About the ISO 9001 Standard

ISO 9001 is a standard for quality management systems that gives guidelines for how to manage an organization to ensure that products meet customer expectations and statutory or regulatory requirements. It was the first international standard on quality assurance having been issued in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

ISO 9001 is the standard for registration of Quality Management Systems, meaning that companies are able to register their system according to this standard. It is used as a benchmark for auditing purposes by organizations seeking verification of their own management systems against the requirements stated in the standard.

ISO 9001:2015 Version – What Does it Mean?

The ISO 9001 standard has undergone several revisions, with the present version (ISO 9001:2015) having been published in September 2015. It is not a new standard but an update of the previous ISO 9001:2008 version. Changes from 2008 to 2015 include more detail about how an organization can demonstrate that it is meeting the requirements within the standard (including examples and tools) as well as updates to examples of performance levels. It also includes updated references to ISO/IEC 17021 – the new international auditing standard, which explains how Quality Management Systems can be audited.

Why is ISO 9001 So Important?

ISO 9001 is the world’s most used quality management system standard. It sets out requirements for how organizations can not only satisfy their customers’ needs and expectations but also improve the organization’s efficiency and adaptability. ISO 9001 is the most cost-effective way for an organization to ensure that it can operate successfully in its current environment by providing a framework for continuous improvement. ISO 9001 also provides tools and guidance for effective communication within an organization, including requirements around information sharing.

ISO 9001 Certification

Organizations can achieve ISO 9001 certification for the purpose of demonstrating to customers, regulators, investors, and other stakeholders that they have a quality management system that is working effectively. ISO 9001 certification is used as an external business benchmark or best practice tool by organizations of all types. In other words, ISO 9001 certification is a way to show customers that your company follows international standards to ensure the highest quality services.

Benefits of Implementing ISO 9001

There are numerous advantages of incorporating ISO 9001 standards in your business. The following are just some of the benefits of ISO 9001:

  • ISO 9001 certification makes it easier for organizations to gain access to large markets.
  • ISO 9001 provides guidance on how to improve internal processes, making internal auditing more efficient.
  • ISO 9001 also helps an organization develop long-term structural improvements.
  • ISO 9001 certification is often a legal requirement in industries that require formal quality systems.
  • ISO 9001 also contributes to customer satisfaction because it ensures the best quality of products and services.
How to Get ISO 9001 Certification?

Getting ISO 9001 certification is a three-stage process:

  1. Preparation
  2. Application
  3. Follow-up/maintenance

Stage 1: Preparation

During the first stage, ISO 9001 certification preparation, you will prepare your organization to meet ISO 9001 requirements. This involves identifying potential process improvements, selecting internal registered auditors (if you don’t want to do it yourself), and getting ISO 9001 training. You will develop a quality management system documentation package consisting of ISO 9001 policies, procedures, forms, and records (if appropriate).

Stage 2: Application

During the second stage, applying for ISO 9001 certification, your organization will hire an ISO 9001 certification body to conduct an external audit of your quality management system to make sure it complies with ISO 9001 requirements. The certification body will send an auditor to visit your business to review documentation and processes, conduct interviews with the key players in your business, complete questionnaires, and either approve or reject ISO 9001 certification for your system.

After the auditor reviews all submitted documentation, you will be informed of your ISO 9001 certification status. If your ISO system is ISO 9001 certified, congratulations! That means that your QMS matches ISO 9001 requirements. If, on the other hand, your application is rejected, the auditor will provide you with a list of issues that need to be addressed before certification can be issued.

Stage 3: Follow-up / Maintenance

Once ISO 9001 certification has been achieved, maintenance is the ongoing process of ensuring that business processes continue to meet ISO 9001 requirements. ISO 9001 maintenance involves an ISO audit to ensure the ISO 9001 certification remains valid. This audit is typically called a “Surveillance Audit”, and is conducted once every 12 months throughout the validity period of ISO 9001 certification. Once the 3-year validity period is over, a “Recertification Audit” can be conducted by a certification body to extend the validity of your organization’s ISO 9001 certification.

IAS – Egypt’s Most Popular ISO 9001 Certification Body

IAS is an ISO 9001 certification body that offers a wide range of certification services and ISO training courses. Incorporated in 2006, IAS has more than 13 years of experience in auditing and issuing management system certifications as well as product certifications. IAS has IRCA certified, professionally experienced, real-time lead auditors to carry out the audit and to support the organizations in the achievement of ISO 9001 certification.

Is your organization ready to get ISO 9001 certified? Contact IAS today for a free consultation!

Contact us Today! Mobile: +91-9962590571 E-Mail: info@iasiso.com

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