1. Purpose:
General Information about IAS Certification Process.
2. Scope:
Awareness about IAS Certification Process.
3. Responsibilities:
Nominated Representative / Head Office – IAS.
4. Description:
IAS provides independent certification services for various management systems.
5. Management Systems Certification Scheme:
5.1. The scheme covers assessment by IAS for certification of various management system/s in accordance with the International Standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001, ISO 50001, IATF 16949, AS9100D and ISO 13485
5.2. Certificates are issued as per the following accreditations / certification schemes:
certificate after getting accreditation, accredited certificate will be provided.
5.3. Scope of Accreditation
5.3.1. The accreditation covers the quality system of the certifying body as well as specified certification scope in working areas described under different codes and sectors, or which the certification body is authorized to carry out assessment and issue of certificates of approval.
5.3.2. For other information and list of clients; visit www.iascertification.com
5.4. Scope of Assessment
These are the various activities carried out by the industry / organization, within the scope of the standard which appears in the certificate of approval issued to the organization by IAS after satisfactory assessment.
5.5. Management Systems as per international Standards
Certifications of following Management Systems Standards /Specifications are offered by IAS Quality Management System (QMS) – ISO 9001 The International Standards specify requirements for quality management systems where an organization needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable regulatory requirements and aim to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for continual improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable regulatory requirements. Environmental Management System (EMS) – ISO 14001 The requirement for an environmental management system is to enable an organization identify its significant aspects and their impact, to develop and implement policy and objectives, which take into account legal and other requirements to which an organization subscribes, and take decision to inform about significant environmental aspects to all the interested parties. It applies to those environmental aspects that the organization can control, that it can influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. The extent of application depends on factors such as the environmental policy of the organization, the nature of its activities, products, services, location and the conditions in which it functions. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS) – ISO 45001 This standard gives requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH & S) management system, to enable an organization to control its OH&S risks and improve its performance. This standard is intended to address occupational health and safety of personnel and processes, rather than product and services safety. The standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to
- a) Establish an OH&S management system to eliminate and minimize risk to employees and other interested parties who may be exposed to OH&S risks associated with its activities.
b) Implement, maintain and continually improve the OH&S management system
c) Assure itself of its conformance with its stated OH&S policy
d) Compliance to legal and other requirements Food Safety Management System (FSMS) – ISO 22000 Certification of an organization’s FSMS is one of the means of providing assurance that the certified organization has implemented a system for the food safety management of its processes, activities, products and services in line with the organization’s food safety policy and the requirements of ISO 22000. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size, which are involved in any aspect of the food chain and want to implement systems that consistently provide safe products. Information Security Management System (ISMS) – ISO 27001 An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is a systematic approach to managing sensitive company information so that it remains secure. It encompasses people, processes and IT systems. Certification of an organization’s ISMS ensures that the organization has a model for establishing, implementing, operating, reviewing, maintaining and improving the security of information including those of customer, held by the organization. The implemented ISMS ensure handling of overall business risks by implementation of security controls customized to the needs of the organization thus increasing the productivity of the people and enhancing corporate image. Energy Management System (EnMS) – ISO 50001 ISO 50001 Energy Management System provides structured framework for organizations to manage and control energy that it can increase energy efficiency, reduce costs and Improve energy performance. ISO 50001 is intended to help business make better use of your energy consumption or energy performance through a Systematic approach. This standard is compatible with other management system especially ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System) and ISO 9001 (Quality Management System).ISO 50001 is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and it integrates to work both the technical and managerial activities Certification.
5.2. Product Certifications
The product certification process is an effective mechanism for assessing compliance with regulations and standards addressing safety, quality and other product characteristics.
Pre-market approval and certification is a legal requirement for manufacturers of many types of products, components and accessories seeking access to major markets worldwide. In addition to meeting mandatory certification requirements, manufacturers may also choose to have their products tested for compliance with the technical requirements of voluntary standards. By submitting their products to additional voluntary testing and certification, companies can differentiate their products from those of competitors, and further demonstrate their commitment to providing buyers and consumers with quality products that are also safe to use.
- Building Products
- Children’s Products
- Electrical Products
- Fire Safety Products
- Gas Safety Products
- Head Protection Products
- Horticultural Products
- Machinery Products
- Personal Protective Equipment Products
- Pressure Equipment Products
- Waste Water Treatment Products
- Water/ Plumbing Products
- Webbing Based Products
- Food products
5.3 Training
ISO Lead Auditor training course is one of the most widely recognized courses in our industry. This high level, five-day course focuses on effective auditing of quality management systems against the ISO standard and includes; leading an audit, planning and preparation of audits, audit techniques and audit reporting.
Two-day IRCA Certified Transition training course is meant to formally transition auditors experienced in the eg. OHSAS 18001 standard to the new ISO 45001:2018 revision. This course uses exercises, workshops, role playing and case studies to teach the concepts, rather than relying on PowerPoint presentation.
ISO Awareness training two-day course provides a detailed understanding of the concepts and focus of the ISO standard and provides the knowledge necessary to effectively implement an management system.
6. Certification (Registration) of Management Systems
6.1. Application
6.1.1. Organization, intending to obtain management system certification from IAS, to fill up the questionnaire, indicating the scope of assessment along with other details. An offer is made to the organization based on required man days calculated as per the details provided in the application form and after ensuring that the declared scope of assessment is within the authorization of IAS scope of accreditation.
6.2. Submission of Documents
6.2.1. Organization submits the Application Form indicating the scope of assessment duly signed, for review by IAS.
6.2.2. For Public Sector Unit i.e. PSU, which usually form a client base involved in tendering process, the issuance of Work Order / Purchase Order by these PSU’s are considered equivalent document for Order Acceptance & deemed acceptance of the Terms & Conditions specified in Clause 4 of this document.
6.2.3. In such cases details of certification requirements shall be provided through the document Accredited Management System Process.
6.3. Assessment of Documents
6.3.1. The assessment of the documents may be done prior to the scheduled Stage I audit or during the Stage I audit. It is preferable to receive and review the documents at least 4 days prior to Stage I audit to provide a better focus on the scope of audit. The adequacy of the management system documentation with respect to implementation is reviewed during the assessment and if found deficient appropriate comments are communicated to the auditee through Stage I report.
6.3.2. The details of audit schedule are planned and these are submitted to the Organization.
7. Certification (registration) Assessment for the Management Systems is carried out in 2 stages.
- a) Stage I
- b) Stage II
7.1. The activities of each are described as below:
- a) Stage I – The stage 1 audit shall be performed on-site to
- Audit the client’s management system documentation
- Evaluate the client’s location and site-specific conditions and to undertake discussions with the client’s personnel to determine the preparedness for the stage 2 audit
- Review the client’s status and understanding regarding requirements of the standard, in particular with respect to the identification of key performance or significant aspects, processes, objectives and operation of the management system.
- Collect necessary information regarding the scope of the management system, processes and location(s) of the client, and related statutory and regulatory aspects and compliance (e.g. quality, environmental, legal aspects of the client’s operation, associated risks, etc.)
- Review the allocation of resources for stage 2 audit and agree with the client on the details of the stage 2 audit
- Provide a focus for planning the stage 2 audit by gaining a sufficient understanding of the client’s management system and site operations in the context of possible significant aspects
- Evaluate if the internal audits and management review are being planned and performed, and that the level of implementation of the management system substantiates that the client is ready for the stage 2 audit. Stage 1 audit shall be carried out at the client’s premises in order to achieve the objectives stated above.
- Stage 1 audit findings shall be documented and communicated to the client, including identification of any areas of concern that could be classified as nonconformity during the stage 2 audit.
- In determining the interval between stage 1 and stage 2 audits, consideration shall be given to the needs of the client to resolve areas of concern identified during the stage 1 audit. IAS may also need to revise its arrangements for stage 2.
- b) Stage II – Audit
The purpose of the stage 2 audit is to evaluate the implementation, including effectiveness, of the client’s management system. The stage 2 audit shall take place at the site(s) of the client. It shall include at least the following:
- Information and evidence about conformity to all requirements of the applicable management system standard or other normative document;
- Performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against key performance objectives and targets (consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other normative document);
- The client’s management system and performance as regards legal compliance;
- Operational control of the client’s processes;
- Internal auditing and management review;
- Management responsibility for the client’s policies;
- Links between the normative requirements, policy, performance objectives and targets (consistent with the expectations in the applicable management system standard or other normative document), any applicable legal requirements, responsibilities, competence of personnel, operations, procedures, performance data and internal audit findings and conclusions.
Stage II activity shall be scheduled within 90 days from the completion of the Stage I activity.
7.2. Outcome of certification audit (Initial/ Renewal):
7.2.1. The outcome of a certification audit or renewal audit is decided based on the audit findings including nature of non-conformities noted during the audit.
There are four possible outcomes:
- Recommendation for certification
- Recommendation for certification subject to corrective actions being implemented satisfactorily and / or effectively
- Limited re-audit or follow-up visit at a later date
- No recommendation for certification, which usually means that a complete re-audit is necessary.
For (3) and (4) above, additional fee and expenses will be charged.
Note: The certificate cannot be recommended in case of any unresolved nonconformities identified during the audit.
7.3. Non – Conformity
7.3.1. Non- conformities shall be categorized by the auditors into Major and Minor.
7.3.2. Characteristics of a major nonconformity are:
- An inability to demonstrate compliance with a technical claim relative to matters affecting product/service quality.
- An extensive breakdown or the absence of evidence of effective implementation of a process and/or documented procedure required by the applicable audit criteria.
- The absence of a documented procedure to address a requirement of the applicable audit criteria, when required.
- The absence of, or total systemic breakdown of, a management system element specified in the applicable audit criteria; or any nonconformity where the effect is judged to be detrimental to the integrity of the product, processes, or service.
- The absence of, or failure to implement and maintain, one or more management system requirements; or a situation which would, on the basis of objective evidence, raise significant doubt as to the capability of the management system to achieve its policy and objectives.
- A number of minor nonconformities against any one requirement of the audit criteria represents a total breakdown of a system and therefore could collectively represent a major noncompliance.
(Note: This condition usually represents 4 or more nonconformities.
7.3.3. Characteristics of a minor nonconformity are:
- A failure to fully satisfy a requirement of the audit criteria with a documented procedure, when required.
- A breakdown in the effective implementation of a documented procedure in isolated incidents.
7.3.4. Timelines for NC Submission and closure
- Major NC Minor NC
- Submission of Corrective Action plan 30 days 60 days
- Acceptance of CAP by IAS 60 days 90 days
- Follow up visit 60 days —
- Verification & Closure On site visit Subsequent Visit
- NC during Recertification Before Certificate expiry date
- Extension of NC period 30 days
8. Surveillance Audit:
8.1. Surveillance activities shall include on-site audits assessing the certified client’s management system’s fulfillment of specified requirements with respect to the standard to which the certification is granted. Other surveillance activities may include
- enquiries from the certification body to the certified client on aspects of Certification,
- reviewing any client’s statements with respect to its operations (e.g. promotional material, website),
- requests to the client to provide documents and records (on paper or electronic media), and
- Other means of monitoring the certified client’s performance.
8.2. Surveillance audits are on-site audits, but are not necessarily full system audits, and shall be planned together with the other surveillance activities so that the certification body can maintain confidence that the certified management system continues to fulfill requirements between recertification audits. The surveillance audit programme shall include, at least
- internal audits and management review,
- a review of actions taken on nonconformities identified during the previous audit, treatment of complaints
- effectiveness of the management system with regard to achieving the certified client’s objectives, progress of planned activities aimed at continual improvement,
- continuing operational control,
- review of any changes, and
- use of marks and/or any other reference to certification.
8.3. Surveillance audits shall be conducted at least once a year. The date of the first surveillance audit following initial certification shall not be more than 12 months from the last day of the stage 2 audit. The date of the second surveillance audit shall not be more than 24 months from the last day of the stage 2 audits.
9. Recertification Audit:
9.1. A recertification audit shall be planned and conducted on-site to evaluate the continued fulfillment of all of the requirements of the relevant management system standard or other normative document. The purpose of the recertification audit is to confirm the continued conformity and effectiveness of the management system as a whole, and its continued relevance and applicability for the scope of certification.
9.2. The recertification audit shall consider the performance of the management system over the period of certification, and include the review of previous surveillance audit reports.
9.3. Recertification audit activities may need to have a stage 1 audit in situations where there have been significant changes to the management system, the client, or the context in which the management system is operating (e.g. changes to legislation).
9.4. In the case of multiple sites or certification to multiple management system standards being provided by IAS, the planning for the audit shall ensure adequate on-site audit coverage to provide confidence in the certification.
9.5. The recertification audit shall include an on-site audit that addresses the following:
- the effectiveness of the management system in its entirety in the light of internal and external changes and its continued relevance and applicability to the scope of certification;
- demonstrated commitment to maintain the effectiveness and improvement of the management system in order to enhance overall performance;
- Whether the operation of the certified management system contributes to the achievement of the organization’s policy and objectives.
9.6. When, during a recertification audit, instances of nonconformity or lack of evidence of conformity are identified, the IAS shall define time limits for correction and corrective actions to be implemented prior to the expiration of certification.
10. Special audits
10.1. Extensions to scope
10.1.1. IAS shall, in response to an application for extension to the scope of a certification already granted, undertake a review of the application and determine any audit activities necessary to decide whether or not the extension may be granted. This may be conducted in conjunction with a surveillance audit.
10.2. Short-notice audits
10.2.1. It may be necessary for the IAS to conduct audits of certified clients at short notice to investigate complaints, or in response to changes, or as follow up on suspended clients. In such cases
- IAS shall describe and make known in advance to the certified clients the conditions under which these short notice visits are to be conducted, and
- IAS shall exercise additional care in the IAS of the audit team because of the lack of opportunity for the client to object to audit team members.
IAS may restore the certification under such following conditions:
- Where the outstanding recertification activities are completed.
- When a client effectively resolves all the non conformities and issues identified which has led to suspension of issuing certificate.
- When a client complies with the special conditions of certifications.
- Pending Dues Cleared as per the contract.
IAS may refuse certifications under such following conditions:
- IAS may refuse Application for certification, extension or renewal if it feels that the client has not provided full and required information from the client organization Activities and IAS could not conclude positively in proceeding with certification.
- If IAS receives serious complaints from the customer’s of client organization and the client is not extending sufficient cooperation to conduct short notice Audits in its premises.
- If legal action is initiated against a client for its illegal/ unlawful services and sufficient information that the client’s customers are affected.
- Refuses to comply with the points in audit contract signed with IAS.
- If IAS receives directions from Accreditation body to do so.
11. Suspending, withdrawing or reducing the scope of certification
11.1. IAS has a policy and documented procedure(s) for suspension, withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification, and shall specify the subsequent actions by the certification body.
11.2. IAS shall suspend certification in cases when, for example,
- The client’s certified management system has persistently or seriously failed to meet certification requirements, including requirements for the effectiveness of the management system,
- The certified client does not allow surveillance or recertification audits to be conducted at the required frequencies, or
- The certified client has voluntarily requested a suspension.
11.3. Under suspension, the client’s management system certification is temporarily invalid. In case of suspension the client refrains from further promotion of its certification. IAS shall make the suspended status of the certification publicly accessible and shall take any other measures it deems appropriate.
11.4. Failure to resolve the issues that have resulted in the suspension in a time established by IAS shall result in withdrawal or reduction of the scope of certification.
Note: In most cases the suspension would not exceed 6 months.
11.5. IAS shall reduce the client’s scope of certification to exclude the parts not meeting the requirements, when the client has persistently or seriously failed to meet the certification requirements for those parts of the scope of certification. Any such reduction shall be in line with the requirements of the standard used for certification.
12. Documents Issued to the Organization:
12.1. Stage I Audit:
- Audit plan
- Stage I audit report including areas for concern and comments on manual
- Non-conformity Report
- Invoice
12.2. Stage II / Renewal / Surveillance Audit:
- Audit plan
- Audit report
- Objective evidence report
- Non-conformity report
- Invoice
12.3. On recommendation for grant of certificate of Approval, it is issued from Head Office along with covering letter addressing excluded clauses and the logo artwork along with Usage of Logo guidelines.
13. General Terms and Conditions
13.1. Responsibility of IAS
13.1.1. It is the responsibility of IAS to provide Assessment and Certification in accordance with the current issue of IAS “Accredited Management System Process”. Please note that in meeting its Policy of continual improvement of service, IAS reserves the right to modify the contents of “Accredited Management System Process”
13.2. Responsibility of Auditee Organization
- It is the responsibility of the organization to provide IAS with all documents, information, facilities and changes as and when it takes place as necessary to enable IAS to provide the services under these terms and conditions.
- It is the responsibility of the organization to provide accreditation bodies of IAS with all documents, information and visits as necessary to enable verification of audits carried out by IAS.
- It is the responsibility of Client Organization to visit IAS website www.iascertification.com on the updating of the Accredited Management System Process.
13.3. Fees & Expenses
- For agreements under Tender Documents: All terms & conditions will be applicable as per agreed tender documents.
- The fees payable and terms of payment are as detailed in IAS letter enclosing the quotation to the organization. The basic charges for services requested are based on the assumption that the information supplied by the organization was accurate and complete.
- Special Surveillance Visits
Special Surveillance Visits will be charged as per prevalent fees applicable at that time.
- Travel and Incidental Expenses
All fees are exclusive of travel and incidental expenses which will be charged extra at actual.
- Statutory Taxes
All fees and expenses quoted are exclusive of any statutory taxes which will be charged at the current rate, if applicable.
- Invoices
Invoices will be submitted as soon as practicable, after the completion of any assessment visit(s).
- Payment
All payments should be made in the name of “Integrated Assessment Services” preferably by local Cheque/demand draft within 7 days of receipt of the invoice. Amounts remaining unpaid for more than 30 days from invoice date will be liable to interest at the rate of 15% per annum.
13.4. The Certificate(s) of Approval cannot be released until full payment has been received by IAS
13.5. Termination
13.5.1. Either party may terminate this request for assessment:-
- By Notice
- Three months written notice may be given by either party to the other.
- By default
- Immediately upon either party being notified by the other of any material breach of this request for assessment.
- If either party goes into liquidation or a receiver or administrator is appointed for all or part of the undertaking thereof.
- In the event of request for assessment being terminated whether by notice, default or otherwise the IAS Certificate of Approval issued pursuant hereto shall forthwith become invalid and the customer shall cease to use the same and return to IAS all documentation and other matters issued pursuant thereto or bearing an indication of such Certificate of Approval.
14. Fundamental Term
14.1. Organization whereby warrants and covenants with IAS that it will at all times during the subsistence of these terms and conditions comply with all reasonable requirements necessary for the issuance of the Certificate of Approval including (but without prejudice to the generality thereof) all statutes, rules, regulations issued by any statutory or any other competent authority, all recommendations, codes and similar matters issued by any authority, pursuant to which or in compliance of which or for the purpose of which the Certificate of Approval is issued or such other reasonable requirements of IAS as are necessary to enable the Certificate of Approval to be issued and maintained in force in conformity with standards of high quality of certification.
14.2. The organization hereby warrants the completeness and accuracy of all documents and accuracy of all information supplied to IAS for the purposes of these terms & conditions for assessment.
15. Certificates and Use of Logo(s) and Complaints Procedure
15.1. Upon successful completion of Initial Assessment IAS shall issue Certificate(s) of Approval to the organization detailing the quality Standard(s) to which assessment was made, declaring the scope of supply. The Certificate(s) of approval is/are valid for a period of three years from the date of issue subject to satisfactory maintenance of the quality systems through surveillance audits.
15.2. Certification under this scheme does not imply certification of the organization’s product or service and does not therefore exempt him from his legal obligations.
15.3. For details of LOGO Usage, kindly contact us through info@iasiso.com
15.4. The organization undertakes to institute a system of registering all complaints received from any source. The corrective action(s) taken and review by Organization Management of such actions shall be made available for verification. They will inform that the complainant can also write to IAS
15.5. IAS has certification mark that authorizes certified clients to use as shown in the picture below. Clients can use this logo such a way that it is not ambiguous, in the mark or accompanying text, as to what has been certified and with clarity that IAS has granted the certification.
15.6. The client are advised not be use IAS /UQAS logo on a product nor product packaging nor in any other way that may be interpreted as denoting product conformity.
15.7. IAS will not permit its marks to be applied by certified clients to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports or certificates.
15.8. The client of IAS may use the following statement on the product packaging or in accompanying information that the client has a certified management system. Product packaging is considered as that which can be removed without the product disintegrating or being damaged. Accompanying information is considered as separately available or easily detachable. Type labels or identification plates are considered as part of the product. The statement shall in no way imply that the product, process or service is certified by this means. The statement shall include reference to:
• Identification (e.g. brand or name) of the certified client;
• The type of management system (e.g. quality, environment) and the applicable standard;
• Empowering Assurance Systems or IAS.
15.9 IAS through a legally enforceable service Contract requires that the certified client to follow:
- a) Conforms to the requirements of IAS and UQAS when making reference to its certification status in communication media such as the internet, brochures or advertising, or other documents;
b) Does not make or permit any misleading statement regarding its certification;
c) Does not use or permit the use of a certification document or any part thereof in a misleading manner;
d) Upon withdrawal of its certification, discontinues its use of all advertising matter that contains a reference to certification, as directed by IAS.
e) Amends all advertising matter when the scope of certification has been reduced;
f) Does not allow reference to its management system certification to be used in such a way as to imply that IAS has certified a product (including service) or process;
g) Does not imply that the certification applies to activities and sites that are outside the scope of certification;
h) Does not use its certification in such a manner that would bring IAS and/or certification system into disrepute and lose public trust.
In case of default, IAS will initially inform them through mail. If client still continues, IAS will adopt the legal course of action against the client for his incorrect references to certification status or misleading use of certification documents, marks or audit reports.
16. Liability
16.1. Whilst IAS Pvt. Ltd and its Committees use their best endeavors to ensure that the functions of IAS are properly carried out, in providing services information or advice neither IAS nor any of its employees or agents warrants the accuracy of any information supplied.
Except as set our herein neither IAS nor any of its employees or agents (on behalf of each of whom IAS has agreed this clause) shall be liable for any loss damage or expense whatsoever sustained by any person due to any act or omission or error of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused by IAS, its employees or agents or due to any inaccuracy of whatsoever nature and howsoever caused in any information or opinion given in any way whatsoever by or on behalf of IAS, even if held to amount to a breach of warranty.
Nevertheless, if any person uses services of IAS, or relies on any information or advice given by or on behalf suffers loss damage or expenses thereby which is proved to have been due to any negligent act omission or error of IAS, proved in a court of law or related jurisdiction its employees or agents or any negligent inaccuracy in information or opinion given by or on behalf of IAS then IAS will pay compensation to such person for his proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee charged by IAS for that particular service, information or opinion.
17. Indemnity
17.1. The Organization shall fully and effectually indemnify IAS agents all costs, claims, actions and demands arising from:
- The service provided by IAS save to the extent only that such claims arise from the neglect of IAS, its employees or agents.
- The misuse by the organization of any certificate, license, mark of conformity provided by IAS in accordance with these terms & conditions.
- Any breach of these terms & conditions.
18. Force Majeure
18.1. IAS shall not be liable in any respect should be prevented from discharging such obligations as result of any matter beyond its control which could not be reasonably foreseen.
19. Confidentiality
19.1. Except as may be required by Law, IAS and the Organization will treat as strictly confidential and will not disclose to any third party without prior written consent of the other, any information which comes into their possession, the possession of their employees, agents or other by virtue of these terms & conditions.
19.2. All information obtained during the course of audit shall be available for verification to IAS personnel (as part of internal Certification Process) & personnel from relevant accreditation body (as part of Accreditation Process). Auditee organization shall be informed in writing by IAS if the outcome of the review by internal personnel or Accreditation Body personnel influences the interest of the auditee Organization.
20. Law
20.1. These terms & conditions are governed by the law of India and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of justice in New Delhi and all notices and proceedings served will be deemed to be duly served if send by pre-paid registered mail to the address of the party as herein above appearing or as may be subsequently notified by the other.
21. Arbitration
21.1. Any disputes or differences arising between the parties other than as the payments of IAS charges shall be determined by single arbitrator to be appointed by the parties in default of these terms & conditions
22. Maintenance of Approval
22.1. Certificate of Approval is issued to the Organization on the understanding that the relevant Management system will be maintained at all times and for this purpose, IAS will conduct Surveillance Audits in accordance with the IAS Surveillance Plan which will be notified to the Organization along with his Certificate of Approval.
22.2. During Surveillance audit, it is ensured that all the relevant Management system elements are examined at least once during the validity period of three years of the certificate of Approval.
22.3. The intervals between the initial certification audit and the first and second surveillance audit shall not exceed one year from the last date of audit.
22.4. At the end of three years duration, if the Organization desires to continue Certification, Renewal Audit shall be carried out.
23. Suspension, Withdrawal or Cancellation
23.1. The Certificate of Approval shall be suspended, withdrawn or cancelled if it is found that:
- The Organization does not agree for surveillance within the specified time frame
- The Organization does not complete corrective action within the agreed time scale
- The Organization fails to conform to the requirements of relevant standards
- The Organization fails to comply with the financial requirements of the agreement of Certification
- The Organization undertakes actions which may bring IAS into disrepute
- The Certificate or Logo is misused in any way.
- The organization goes to liquidation or ceases to exist or ceases its activities for which it has been certified.
- The activities of the organization are stopped by directives from court / statutory authorities.
The certification to one or more Management Standard(s) / Specification(s) is subject to suspension / reduction / withdrawal, IAS shall investigate the impact of this on the Certification to other Management System Standard(s) / Specification(s).
24. Appeals
24.1. It would be the Endeavour of IAS to provide efficient and satisfactory services as detailed in the Request Form. However, in case it is felt that any decision or the conduct of IAS is unjust and prejudicial to any party, which party can appeal to IAS and seek readdressed. These appeals are to be sent to IAS in writing.
25. Disclaimers
25.1. While this document is intended to provide guidance to prospective / existing clients of IAS and every effort is made to keep its content accurate and up to date, it should not be construed to be comprehensive or conclusive in its contents and applicability. Assessment audit / Certification / Surveillance being activities that always call for auditor’s judgment based upon the facts and circumstances of each case / situations, this document cannot be construed to be binding IAS in the scope, interpretation and applicability of its certification activities.